I have been tagged by Millie to do the Screenshot Meme. So I thought I would combine it with my Thursday Thirteens.
1) Mom has a 17" Flat Panel Monitor.
2) Mom has her settings at 800 x 600. Mom does not like the 1024 x 768 settings. It makes things too small for her to read. She does change it to read Dragonheart's blog, but then she changes it back.
3) Mom has a cool program called Screen Themes. She bought it online. It has lots of different Picture Packs. Every day her desktop picture is different. Mom likes that.
4) Mom doesn't mind the icons, especially since Screen Themes gives her the transparent option for the icon words.
5) Mom likes games. Lots of games. Different games. So does the boy. They play games together, so mom leaves the icons out.
6) Mom uses both Internet Explorer and Firefox.
7) Mom uses Word for her Karate documents.
8) Mom uses Quicken for her checkbook.
9) Mom uses Corel PhotoAlbum for her pictures.
10) Mom likes her icons on the edge of her screen, leaving the middle blank.
11) Mom likes to make certain her computer is secure, so she has security programs to take care of virus scanning, adware, spyware, etc.
12) Mom has Picture Packs of Flowers, Whales, Fish, Creeks and Waterfalls, Space, Star Wars, Sci Fi Worlds, 3-D Worlds, Faraway Places, Forest & Trees, and many many more.
13) Mom figures her mood could be different every day so it is good that her Desktop changes every day.
Mom would like to tag Daisy, Mickey, Luxor, Dragonheart and Norman (some of you met him today in my comments.)
Add your name to the list of Free Viewers with a link pointing directly to your Desktop Free View post to promote it to succeeding participants. Others who have played:Francine of La Place de Cherie Chez Francine Bloggishi Unchained Melody LadyJava’s Lounge Mariuca Revellian Dot ComDesktop Emila’s Illustrated Blog Spiff, The Spaceman Rolando Brown Baron The Kat House MAX Mother's Home! I Was Born2Cree8 Skittles' Place Faz the Cat Darling Millie The Devil Dog (add your blog here)
Hi Roxy! Boy it is scary reading your list cause Mom could almost write that list herself! You have so many things in common.Mom really likes games. Your Screen Themes sounds interesting.
Mom likes your pic today.It reminda her of scenes you would find in the game Myst.
This meme is really fun. One Cat said it's like peeking into someone's closet,heh,heh.
Roxy, you have a *beautiful desktop! Sadly, mine is pathetically gray with no pictures on it. It looks institutional!
So this is one meme I'm going to skip since I fear it would put woofies and cats to sleep!
But thank you for tagging me, nonetheless! :)
Hi Roxy!
Your mom has a great desktop. Mine mombean knows all those games, her workjobbie is a place that sells lots of them.
I'm sorry to hear your mom has to change her settings to read my blog. :( I didn't realize some people would still be on 800x600 - my mom just increases the font size in her browser when she finds things too small to read! Maybe I'll ask for a new blog design for Christmas.
Your mom's desktop looks very neat and tidy! Thanks for the tag - I'll get on this tomorrow!
Your desktop is pretty! We just have a boring desktop: one of the default screens that came with the computer. After seeing all the neat pictures others have, I am going to ask her to make one of ME after she gets back from vacation. After all, I think she can find one or two pictures of me somewhere...
You have a cute TT.
Our Mom has a picture of Whiskers (our brother cat) as her desktop. He died due to the pet food recall and Mommy still misses him a lot.
She has a lot of different pictures for screen savers, we are in some of them.
~Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie-Pooh
Hi Roxy & Lucky,
I don't think I stopped by yet to say hi and thanks for visiting my blog! Sorry for the delay - my mom (and blog helper) is forgetful!
I had a fun time visiting, I will add you to my link list!
Love Clover xo
OK. Well, I guess you have me on the evil vet case. At least mine is just administrative. If this woman had done anything to Oscar that I did not approve or that harmed him-I would be doing more than filing a complaint with the BBB and the vet. med. licensing board.
Mommy has a picture of me on her desktop. And that changes every so often, but the desktop photos that come with the comptuer are pretty boring!
The desktop looks nice and all, but where are the pictures of you guys?!
Hi Roxy or should I call you Devil?
My name is Ruby, Nice to meet you. I saw you over on Clover's blog...Clover is a pal of mine. You sure do have a lot of kitty friends. I don't think kitties like me. Oh well...I hope we can be friends.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
That's a neat picture on your Mom's desktop. I like to play games, too, but only a few of them. One of these days, I will get a flat monitor. I did get one once, but it went blooie in 48 hours, and no one knew why. That kind of put me off them.
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