Or maybe it feels more like this.
It has spread. It's on mom's chest and thighs, around her collarbone and armpits. It itches like crazy and some of it has turned into lovely little white head pimple like things that hurt. Plus, mom's not sleeping. Mom goes to bed, sleeps two hours, wakes up itching. Puts cream on, goes to bed, sleeps two hours, wakes up itching. Mom is one of those "need eight straight hours of sleep a night" people. Mom's not happy.
Mom went back to the doctor. The doctor took a sample of the skin in the white head pimple like things. The doctor gave mom two prescriptions. One for an anti-fungal cream for the lovely little acne like area and another to control the itching. That one is a pill. Both the doctor and the pharmacist told mom it might make her sleepy. Mom's supposed to take 3 a day. She's going to take another one before bed. Mom wants to SLEEP!
An idea about how unhappy mom is. Mom did not go to karate. Mom has to be really SICK not to go to karate. You can imagine how mom feels about that. But everyone from the receptionist, the nurse and the people at mom's work all say she is remarkably cheery for being so unhappy.
I think that might be ending soon. Next week mom has to see another doctor, a dermatologist, to figure out why she has all those nasty red rash dots all over her body.
Wow, sucks to be yer Mom! The boy looks scary.I would want to run away if Mom looked like that. Mom said that she feels sorry for yer Mom.Itchy armpits.She can only imagine(Is it like you get after shaving sometimes )
Shaving?? Why would Mom do that?
Anyway, I guess you better stay off ALL the tables and leave ALL paper alone.You gotta be good again or else you might get sent to prison.
Purrs to yer Mom.
PeeEss, Sorry to hear about your furcousin Jasmine.Purrs :(
That sounds horrible. I hope that your Mom gets some real relief from the new medicines and some sleep.
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