Lucky, why are you sleeping with that boybean and not by me???
Well, ever since then, Lucky has been trying to figure out how to get to New Mexico from New Hampshire.
See, she already has her harness on and is planning a get away down the stairs. I don't think she'll get very far, I mean COME ON, look at the map. New Hampshire is way, way, way up here!

New Mexico is way down here! Total driving time of 34 hours, 16 minutes and total estimated distance of 2270.18 miles. You think Lucky, gentle, sweet, trusting Lucky, would ever make it down there in one piece? And then there is the BOY! You think Lucky could leave him? And mom and dad? And ME? For Luxor?
The boy would be broken hearted if she left. I don't think mom or dad would be able to handle it either. And I have to admit, I would be really lonely without her. I mean, I call her the "perfect princess" and all, but she's my sister and it would be really lonely without her. Who would I attack in the morning? Who's treats would I try to steal? And whose food would I try to eat?
I told her she is just going to have to teleport back and forth but she says NO! TRUE LOVE! I MUST BE WITH LUXOR! (What! Has she watched The Princess Bride lately?)
Don't worry, everyone, I won't let her go. I know, I know! You're all saying I'm jealous, that she's a dog and he's a cat, and it'll never work out. I don't believe that for a minute! Romeo and Juliet, Tony and Maria, Han and Leia, Lady and the Tramp! She's just gonna have to teleport and come back. That's all there is to it.
(PS: Tomorrow is the LAST day mom has to take steroids - yeah!)
I told her she is just going to have to teleport back and forth but she says NO! TRUE LOVE! I MUST BE WITH LUXOR! (What! Has she watched The Princess Bride lately?)
Don't worry, everyone, I won't let her go. I know, I know! You're all saying I'm jealous, that she's a dog and he's a cat, and it'll never work out. I don't believe that for a minute! Romeo and Juliet, Tony and Maria, Han and Leia, Lady and the Tramp! She's just gonna have to teleport and come back. That's all there is to it.
(PS: Tomorrow is the LAST day mom has to take steroids - yeah!)
I'd go with Lucky to visit Lux. We could take a detour and go down to Mary Land and meet Monty Q. I bet he'd escort us. And as we went through O-hi-O, I bet Parker would join us.
How many cats would like to take a road trip with us to visit Lux? I'm up for an adventure.
Well,this could be interesting. I bet it is warmer in New Mexico and there are a lot of Cat Bloggers on the way.As long as we are back for Halloween,heehee
Tillie & Georgia
A noms romance! How exciting! I think it will work fine with teleporting, look at all the other relationships that flower like that!
I never thought about Gregory Peck but you are right, Luxor surely is the Gregory Peck of cats!
I think the two of you make a wonderful couple!
Teleporting and virtual dating - that's da way to go!
OH Roxie this is too too funny. Lucky is so beautiful, I am sure she would meet all kinds of kitties who would fall in love with her. Now Roxy, don't get your feelings hurt. You are also very beautiful but you could never leave your beans. Jeanne
True love is hard to fight, but I bet this isn't true love. Who could be in love with a cat??
You can come to MD for a night and I'll go too-you might need a big mancat to keep you ladies safe.
ooooo we will go wif Lucky and Millie and Monty!!
Oh, this is soooo romantic! It is just like Romeo and Juliet. I do not think it is a coincidence that both names start with L-U! Lucky, you have good taste and I think Luxor really is the Gregory Peck of cats!
Goodboy Norman Featherstone, stop being a Badboy Norman! I am going to have to visit your page now.
Lucky, the heart speaks in mysterious ways. Go wherever it leads you!
Lucky, I think teleporting is the way to carry on this romance. It's just too far for your cute little paws to carry you.
Thank you for your concern. I'm all right, just very deeply sad. I think it's finally sunk in just how little time her doctor thinks my sister-in-law has left.
Uh, I agree with Goodboy Norman Featherstone. She certainly can do much better than a cat. But if she gets that teleportation thing down, could she clue us in on how it's done?
Hooray for Mom's near-completion of her steroids. They suck!
ps: I think deep down inside, Norman is a Goodboy.
Tell Lucky we have a perfectly good white male cat...Buster, here in upstate New York...much closer and really we can send him to your house for a visit. He gets along good with Pugs and only bats them around if they really make him MAD.
Psst ... Lucky! (Can anyone hear us?)
If you can figure out a way to get here, I'll be waiting. I'll even take a bath before you get here.
You are just so lovely; I can hardly wait to see you!
Kisses to my Sweet,
P.S. I snuck onto Dogster and left you a bunch of bones!
Go the northern route and make a pit-stop in St. Paul! If you leave today, you can make it to Pug-O-Ween tomorrow!
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