Mr Karate plays the cello. Everyone knows that. Now. Trust me, when Auntie didn't know, and mom, dad, and the boy did, we had some wild moments. Like the one when Auntie showed up one day unexpectedly while Mr. Karate was practising in mom's basement. (It is finished.) Luckily mom saw Auntie pull up and yelled down to Mr. Karate that Auntie was "incoming." the cello music stopped and mom went out to try and slow Auntie down.
Now, let me tell you something you might not have figured out about Auntie. She saw Mr. Karate's car in the driveway, so she KNEW he was there. And when she knows her son is around, she has a ONE TRACK mind on seeing him. Well, mom had no clue how to slow Auntie down, but she made a valiant effort. Meanwhile, Mr. Karate is hiding the cello in the back basement in case Auntie comes down stairs. He was taking a LONG time. Mom was getting desperate and Auntie was getting IMPATIENT.
Finally mom said "he's trying to do a surprise for you." That calmed Auntie down and FINALLY Mr. Karate came upstairs. Strangely enough, Auntie never connected that to the day mom accidently said that Mr. Karate "was at cello" and all the other instances of Mr. Karate being at mom's house (to practise for two hours in her basement) with anything and it was a grand old surprise when she walked into Memere's house to him playing cello.
Now, the real reason for this post. If you went to Mr. Karate's blog, you saw him playing "Music of the Night" from The Phantom of The Opera. What none of you realize however, is that he has NO SHEET MUSIC to play from. He figured it out on his OWN. Mom has the discs, he borrowed them and decided he wanted to play that song. So he did. Pretty darn good, huh? His teacher was impressed, let me tell you. As for me, well, he never fails to impress me.
Mom update. Mom went to the emergency room last night. She took one of the anti itch pills, and then another before bed. She woke up two hours later and EVERWHERE on her back, fromt, arms and legs was all red. She did sleep four hours, then back to two hour groups. At 8:00 am she decided she was skipping karate again (They must have thought mom was dead to miss 2 days of karate) and finally rolled out of bed at noon. She took the boy to karate and cello and then went to the emergency room. Where the Doctor told her NOT to take Allegra AND Benadryl as that would make her go postal (Nice!) That she needed more steroids, LOTS more steroids and when mom said she wasn't sleeping, gave mom some sleeping pills. Now mom has never in her life needed a sleeping pill, but this once I think she should go for it. Well, she did. She went to bed at nine o'clock and slept STRAIGHT THROUGH TIL SIX O'CLOCK this morning. But, was she happy. The itching has calmed down A LOT and while mom is not thrilled to be doing this again, the fact that she's getting sleep has certainly made a difference. The boy is with memere because there is no school tomorrow and Lucky would have teleported over to Monty Q's mom to snuggle with except that she is sound asleep and mom's gonna cuddle with her instead. Me too, of course.
Lastly, we want to thank all of the cat blogosphere for their wonderful caring thoughts and prayers for my Auntie and cousin Millie. Mom saw Auntie today and she was doing better, but it will take time to get back to some sort of normal for them both. All your thoughts and prayers are appreciated by everyone in the family. Love, Roxy
Well,I'm more impressed that Mr.Karate played by ear! A talented man.
Good thing yer Mom went to the Doc.
Taking meds that make her "go postal?" Boy,it's a good thing you have been behaving again,right? If she sleeps a lot,at least you get to snuggle with her lots. Hope it clears up soon,cause I know uer dyin' to get into something!!! Heehee
Isn't it wonderful Mr. Karate surprised his mom with a tune on the cello, and learned the music from those discs he borrowed. That is definitely impressive. Hope your mom continues to improve.
So sorry you lost your furcousin, Jasmine.
Moe & Mindy
I am very impressed with Mr. Karate's ability to figure out how to play "Music of the Night" from just listening to the music. He is very talented. I am very glad that your Mom went to the doctor. I am really glad that she finally got some very needed sleep, too. It's great that she is starting to feel a little better. I'm glad that your Auntie Lynne is feeling a little better. I'm sure that losing Jasmine was very hard on her. I will keep her, and Millie, in my thoughts and prayers.
Learning to play cello is a good surprise! My OTW wishes she could play something, but when she tried she was assured she didn't have the ear for it. I just wish she stop pretending she can sing when she's in the shower so I can stop going and in and yelling at her.
It's very nice of your mom to let Mr Karate practice in your basement. We hope she's feeling better from the itching. Itching is no fun.
PS. Thank you for coming by and leaving us a nice message when Whisper had to go to the Bridge. I'm sure he was happy to have Muffie and Bridget welcome him. He liked dogs. And Persephone and me are pleased to meet you.
Grandbean said she had somethin' similar once and they gave her Pred-ne-zone or something like that. And MomBean says E.R. trips suck.
(Lucky can telepoet over anytime for pugsnuggles, just tell her to be wary of da boobwalking.)
Mr. Karate certainly is talented! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom person. I hope she is feeling better and no longer red and itchy!
We are so sad for Millie and Auntie.
Mine mombean had a kitty before me, Charlotte, who was 18 and a 1/2 before she hadda go to the bridge. Mombean didn't really get over loosing her. She got me and that is what really made her feel better. I hope they start feeling better soon.
Mombean says "sigh" whenever she see Mr Karate. He really is a good manbean.
Thanks for wishing us a Happy Thanksgiving. It was a good day.
Oh, and thanks for volunteering to do backup patrol/rescue if I needs assistance. One never knows whats out there!
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