Thirteen Things I Like About Broccoli
1) Broccoli is good raw.
2) Broccoli is good steamed.
3) Mom cooks broccoli at least once a week, sometimes two.
4) Mom always drops at least one piece by accident. Really!
5) Mom always gives me at least one piece.
6) Thomas Jefferson planted broccoli at Monticello.
7) Italians brought broccoli to North America by 1806, but it did not become popular until the 1920's.
8) You can either peel the stems (mom prefers this) or not (when it gets to the branchy part).
9) Broccoli is good right out of the steamer, or the next day as leftovers.
10) Broccoli is healthy for you. It is high in vitamin C and soluble fiber. (I think that means it helps your poop tract work properly.) And if it is healthy for mom, then it must be healthy for me, too.
11) Broccoli is contains the multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties including 3,3'-Diindolylmethane and selenium.
12) The broccoli leaf is also edible and actually contains more betacarotene than the florets.
13) Ever since a President said he didn't like broccoli, broccoli is famous.
Those are good facts about broccoli but I still don't like it!!!! Mom loves it. I guess I will find another way to help my poops along,heehee.
That is a great TT about broccoli. I love it, too. We also have it at least once a week.
I wish you were Super Roxy, too, so you could bite all the people who are mean to animals on the butt.
MomBean and BabyBean love broccoli, it makes HeBean gag.
I do not like broccoli. But I eat Greenies. Does that count?
Holy Cow! I thought I was the only dog on earth that eats broccoli. I eat it twice a day raw. You see, I had three mast cell tumors removed over the course of last year, and my holistic Vet put me on a diet of beef and broccoli. Everyone thinks I'm so weird for eating it, but now I feel normal. Perhaps we are soul mates Roxy ...
BTW - Bananas are good too :)
I don't people food like that. Just my food in my dish. I meow in a loud whiny voice when I want my food!
Its hard being a kitty.
Bananas are delightful - just make sure your mom cuts them up into little pieces. They taste better that way. I think I would eat broccoli, too, but Mom's not a big fan, so we don't have it as much. She hates it, but she eats it anyway because it's good for her.
Those are good facts! I can't get our puggies to eat anything green though.
oh yeah, George the 1st saided he hated broccoli. I like broccoli, Miles ate some and spit it out. Mommy LOVES broccoli! - Sammy
Thank you for telling us everything we need to know about broccoli. We will be scratching our heads about whether or not to eat it.
Four Pugz
I don't like broccoli, but my dad does, especially with cheese sauce. My mom is a "super taster" so she doesn't like broccoli because it tastes too strong for her.
If broccoli smelled and tasted like Temptashions, we would eat it.
Hey, What's wrong with bananas? They're delish! Of course, I love broccoli too. I love anything edible, or even inedible. But I hate discrimination. Bananas are yummy.
Buddy, Funny Farm Canine Connoisseur
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