First off, I received lots of compliments on my sweater. Thank you very much. Mom bought it over two years ago from Petco. I need it for these frigid nights we are going to have for the next couple of days.
Second, I have had requests for puppy pictures. So here's hoping they warm you up on this cold (9 degrees with a wind chill of -5) night.

1) I'll sleep where ever Lucky does.

2) And whenever she does.

3) Lucky showing off her new sister.

4) The boy showing off his puppies.
5) Exploring the great outdoors.

6) Sleeping, again. Lucky is on the other side.

7) Sleeping some more. that's what puppies do.

8) Playing with the boy, or rather, the boy playing with me.

9) Dad showing me off.

10) You want me to go where?

11) Keeping Muffie company.

12) More sleeping.
13) Two days old. Cute, huh?
You was cute as a pup and you are cute now! Ya know, mine mombean was never a big fan of Pug doggies, but now she thinks Pugs are very cool. she especially thinks you look very snugglie and she really likes a great snuggle.
Aw, Lucky your puppy pics are wonderful.Thanks for showing us. We likes that lovely sweater, bet it's really warm. We love Pug doggies, mom especially likes your pug noses. Mom and dad had an English Bulldog years ago, they still miss him. Do you snore like he did?
Moe & Mindy
Did you just hear that AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! ? that was Mom :) We loved these pictures especially #9 & 11. You are a cutie Roxy!! You Lil'Devil!!
Purrs Mickey
Puggie pups are just the cuterest!!! Only thing cuter is sleeping puggie pups!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Lots of licks,a Ruby
You guys are so cute. If Momma keeps reading your blog she will get a pug and I am not sure I am ready for that!
Those are adorable puppy photos, Roxy! :) You were a very cute puppy and your are now a beautiful lady dog. :)
You picked some great puppy pictures. I love all of them.
Oh my goodness! You are so cute!!
My Mommie kept saying "ooooh!" and "aaaah!" You might need to run away because she wants to kiss you. Right on the lips!
oh the puppies!
Crosby my pug says hello!
Oh Roxy and Lucky, you made our day, and we are on vacation so that is an extra special thing!
Melissa and Emmitt
Roxy, you were an awsomely cute puppy!!
Yep, you were a cute pup. About now we canines could use parkas with hoods and mufflers. The cats are asking for the same and they don't even go outside.
jans funny farm
Mommy likes nothing better than seeing cute pug puppy pictures. Thanks for making our day!!!
Very cute puppy pictures, Roxy. We like puggles a lot over here. Even Coco likes puggles, and she doesn't usually like other dogs. She also likes your sweater and says she wants one like it. Her green sweater is getting stretched out.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Yeah for baby pics! That warmed our hearts! You sure are a cute patoot! xoxo
Hi girls! Happy New Year!! I love your cute puppy pictures.
And I am so happy that you are healthy and ok, Roxy!
Love Clover xo
Oh, goodness ... You were just the tiniest little girl, weren't you? Such a sweet batch of photos. Thanks for sharin' 'em.
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