Lucky was sitting on mom's lap yesterday morning. I did not like it. I wanted to be on mom's lap. So I climbed up into her lap and wedged myself next to her.
Mom said it was pretty hard to type with both of us between her and the keyboard.

Then Lucky put her head on my back.

I figured I would let her, because I was where I wanted to be.
Aren't I nice?
You are nice Roxy! A dogs gotta do what a dogs gotta do!
You got the right moves and the right place ;)
Purrs Mickey
Aw. You cuddle pugs are too sweet and cute.
You two are so nice and so cute!
It was nice of you to let Lucky use you for a pillow, Roxy. I think it's great that you can both fit in Mom's lap at once.
The two of you look very cute in your mom's lap. We both share our mom's lap (we're doing it right now), but our mom sits at an angle to the desk, so there's room for both of us and she can still type. :)
Sharing is very hard. But Mommies almost always have room for two!
Nothing is better than a pair of pugs in the lap. Well, maybe three pugs in the lap, but let's not get ridiculous :)
Aww we know how you feel, we always BOTH have to sit on mummys lap, usually Daisy lays on me, but i dont mind, it keeps me warm!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Roxy, you remind me so much of Sela. When she wants to be on me she will walk ON TOP of Winston to get to me and them plop down...this usually results in Winston going to lay by himself :( Its so sweet that you lay together.
Thatsa lotsa pugs per lap! My mom says that much puppy warmth makes her sleepy just to look at you.
Other than this small dissagreement between you and your do you two get along? (Asking becuase I'm worried about my two puggies, Poley & Rukia)
oh roxy and lucky, you are tooo cute together!
what a cool family!
You guys make my parents jealous . . . they want another pug now!
Awwww! So sweet! Your mom is lucky to have so much pug love in her life!
Jemima Jones Beck
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