Mom is catching a cold. Actually, I think the cold has caught her. She didn't go to class last night, because she was really tired. But she doesn't know how to relax. So I thought Lucky and I would demonstrate. What do you think? Is this a good demonstration of relaxation?

Or maybe this one?

I thought so. Beans are stubborn, aren't they.
(you can click on the picture to biggify)
Purrs to your Mom. You and Lucky will have to stay close to her while you train her to relax. That may take a while,but I know you are up to the challenge.
this is so wonderful, i love your new blog. I have a dog too. Love Guess who
Very good demonstration of Relaxing!
That's some good nappin'!! What really works is wait till she lays down then lay on top of her, that pins 'em down and they get some rest.
PeeEss. I'm glad that you like my Gizzy quilt. Millie's Mombean made it special for me and picked out the colors that she though would be best. She is a great artist!
Oh, just beautiful! I think your soul just shines through, Devil Dog!
Nice to meet the two of you. :) You both certainly know how to relax. :) I hope your mom feels better soon.
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