So, Saturday was really, really hot and humid. Thank goodness mom had the air conditioning going. As you can see, I was really being very active. Posing is very difficult work you know.

Sunday was rainy and damp, not at all fun, so I figured I would just relive the nice time I had on the sofa Saturday night.
Monday was rainy and raw! Not at all pleasant. It is an under the covers night for sure. Hope mom heads for bed soon. I don't know what is keeping her. I'm ready.
(you can click on the pictures to biggify)
You certainly know the best way to spend the days when the weather is too hot or too rainy to have any fun. I hope your Mom goes to bed soon, so you can join her under the covers.
I like listening to the rain come down. But I do not like the thunders. Because they make me scairt, and I have to hide under the bed.
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