You may think that is a pretty weird title I have come up with. But when I tell you the meaning behind it, you will understand. The Sunday before last, mom helped dad do some yardwork. She trimmed the bushes, and the weeds behind the bushes. What mom didn't know, was that she caught
poison sumac or
poison ivy. So by last Thursday, mom had a rash that was really itchy. Mom didn't know what it was. Over the weekend it got worse. On Monday, mom was going crazy but still couldn't figure out what it was. On Tuesday people at work said she had poison sumac or ivy. Mom went to the doctor and got steroids. And lots of anti itch cream. Then mom got grumpy. Which is a side effect of steroids. Mom is not ususally grumpy so it was pretty hard for her. The people at work thought it was pretty fun when mom said she was grumpy, because they all knew why, even before she did.
Yesterday, it still wasn't getting better, so mom called the doctor and they put her on a higher dose of steroids. She will be taking steroids for five more days. She went to karate class last night.
What do you think could be worse than a steroid taking grumpy black belt momzilla?
I think I will be really really good for the next five days.
I'm sorry to hear your mom has poison ivy. It sounds nasty! I hope she feels better soon. I am very impressed that she went to Karate class that way!
Being good for the next few days sounds like a good plan!
That's *awful about the poison ivy! I hope it goes away soon ...
Love that picture of you, Roxy! Red becomes you!
Um...yeah...better lay low! Hope yer momma gits better soon!
I can't think of anything scarier than a steriod-taking, grumpy, black-belt Momzilla. I think being a very good dog for the next five days is an excellent idea. I hope your Mom stops itching soon.
Oh my, that doesn't sound fun at all...I wouldn't want to be her sparring partner!
(Hope she's better soon, you can hang out here if you need to!)
Good idea, Roxy!
Smart move Roxy!!
I've got poison ivy,steroids and a black belt! Any questions?!!!!!
Can you be good for 5 whole days?
Purrs for your Mom.
Heard of Pug Bowling?
ooops - it cut off....link the lines together:
Um...we just put 2 & 2 together - da bicker sisters, karate, quilts...yer related to Millie!
Our post today is about our Gizzy quilt...come see!
Hi Roxy and Lucky! You girls are beautiful puggies :)
Sorry your Mom has poison ivy, but I hope she kicked some serious butt in karate! hehehe!
Puggy kisses
Roxy,we love you on da red cushions, great picture. Mom uses an older version of Photoshop, but it's expensive to buy new. We asked dad and he says some people at his day hunting place are using Gimp. It's free to download.
Mom decided to get it too and will give it a try soon. She got Gimp for Windows, the GTK +2 Runtime Environment and Gimp Help 2 from their site. The help pkg. takes longest to download, but if your beans have high speed internet, none of these take long. We intalled the Runtime first. Hope this helps.
Moe & Mindy
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