This is the belt. I mean, THE belt. The Black Belt. The one mom worked four years to get. This is actually the first black belt Mr. Karate ever wore. He gave it to mom to wear for six months.
See, since mom is a new black belt, she has a probationary period of six months. After six months mom will take a test. If mom passes, she will no longer be probationary and she will get to wear the special belt Mr. Karate bought for her. It has her name on it, and the karate school crest, because mom is a teacher, just like Mr. Karate. Mom is planning on passing the test. That's why she went to class today even though she was tired.
She wasn't quite so tired because she slept for close to ten hours and woke up feeling a whole lot better. Except that she had 25 minutes to get to class. She made it with a few minutes to spare. (Class is ten minutes away on a Saturday morning, more on a week night.)
Now the boy is working towards his black belt. He will start taking his test in January or February. When he gets his black belt, mom will give him the belt Mr. Karate gave her. But today, after the boy's class, they had this thing called "Noodle Wars".
Noodle Wars is when the kids and the teachers try to tag each other out by hitting your arms and legs with a noodle. Once your arm is tagged, you cannot use it any more. If both your arms get tagged, you must put the noodle under your armpit. If you leg gets tagged, you cannot use it. If both legs get tagged, you must go on your knees.
Not surprisingly, Noodle Wars is very competitive and very fast paced. You can get tagged and not realize it, until it gets pointed out to you pretty insistently. Many of the kids want to beat the teacher just because they are teachers. So it is a lot of fun. Mom is pretty good at it and she really doesn't like to lose. When she has the younger kids she often lets them win because they are so cute. With the older kids, like the boy, she's all business.
So that's Noodle Wars. As for the schedule, well, let's just say that mom survived and hit the bed early. Lucky was SUPPOSED to sit on mom's head this morning, but she got confused and climbed under mom's chin, so mom was using Lucky as a pillow. Didn't work, when mom saw the time (of 8:35 am) she pretty much flew out of bed, down the stairs and out the door.
Well, there's always Sunday morning.
Hello Roxy & Lucky! We saw yer comment on Luxor's bloggie and thought we'd drop by to say Hi! Nice to meet ya - come visit sometime!
Oh My it sounds to me like your Mom is a very busy lady. Maybe she should rest and get better.
I am very impressed about the black belt! Noodle wars sounds very, very fun to play.
We found your site on Mickey's blog. He is our furcousin. That is a great story about the noodle, the black belt, the classes, whew.
Your mom and the boy are very busy.
Nice to meet you Roxy and Lucky, too.
Moe & Mindy
Those Noodle wars sound like lots of fun.I know Mom wouldn't want to miss it.I'm glad your Mom is feeling better and I'm sure she will pass her test.
If you wore the black belt,no one would see it,heehee.Did you get to play with that noodle?
Make sure you relax with Mom on Sunday!
Hi Roxy!! Fank you for visiting us!! We is so 'acited to haf a nice woofie visit us!! Can we link to you?
Noodle wars sound like lots of fun!!
BTW - our mommy ADORES pugs and she thinks you are both really really cute!
I hope your Mom is getting plenty of rest today. Noodle Wars sounds like lots of fun. I'm impressed by your Mom's black belt.
Hey Roxy!
If you had a black belt how would anyone know?
Noodle wars sound OK ... I was thinking there might be some kinda pasta involved. You know with butter and cheese on top.
Congrats to your mom on her new black belt status! Noodle wars sounds like fun but I'll bet everyone has to nap afterwards!
Good words.
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