This is a lap robe (with quilt batting inside to keep legs nice and warm. That mom made for her new sister-in-law, Stephanie, a few years ago.
Here is a quilt Millie's mom made for the boy, modeled by Muffie.

Here is a quilt mom made for the boy, with fabrics he picked out. They include sharks, whales, fish, dinosaurs, spider webs, cats, penguins, trucks and worms.
As you can see, they both like bright colors. Millie's mom always makes her quilts with strips and perfect squares, or rectangles. Mom does anything but perfect squares and rectangles. Millie's mom's way is probably better, but mom likes being different.
Tomorrow, I will show you the quilt both moms made for their mom, and I'll tell you the story about how it came to be.
(you can click on the pictures to biggify)
Oooooh, those are very nice quilts, Roxy! Your mom and Millie's mom are very talented. We love those bright, cheery colors. We'll be back to see the quilt they made for their mom with the story to go with it.....we love it when we get to know the details.
Moe & Mindy
Oh those are super quilts!I bet they are nice and warm. Mom is going nuts over the colors especially the Boy's bright one.You prove that there is more than one way to make a quilt. Reguardless of method,they are all magnificent.
Can't wait to see the next quilt!
Wow, those are amazing! Both Millie's mom & yours are very talented!
P.S. Mom threw out a whole bunch of old toys tonight because back then she wasn't looking to see if they came from China!
Those are all very beautiful quilts! The quilting talent definitely runs in the family. :) Both your mom and Millie's mom are very talented. :)
Wowie! How cool! My MomBean's lucky if she can sew in a straight line, let alone cut one!
Your mom and Millie's mom are both so talented! My Mommie can barely sew a button back on. I hope none of my cute outfits need to be sewn back up. That would be a disaster!
Both of you are really talented in quilting. I love all the quilts. I am looking forward to the story about the quilts for both Moms' Mom.
Wow, Roxy, those are beautiful quilts. Both of them are so talented.
You don't look like a devil dog! You seen very nice.
Your FL furiends,
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