Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Schedule Vs. Relaxing

As you know, the cold caught mom, and I am trying to get her to relax so she can escape from the cold. She did not go to class on Thursday night, but she did go to class Friday night. This is her schedule for Saturday. I think I am going to have to follow Beezer's advice and sit on her and not let her up to make her relax. I know Lucky will help, because she loves mom too.

9:00 - 9:45 am - Mom has class

1:00 - 2:00 pm - the boy has class

2:00 - 3:00 pm - mom is helping out for Noodle Wars (more on that tomorrow)

4:30 - 5:00pm - the boy has cello lessons.

Hmm, I am going to pin her down as soon as she comes in the door after the cello lesson. Maybe dad will be a good do - be and make dinner.

Here is a picture of the boy practicing cello at the boy's memere's house.

In the background, you can see artwork that the boy's memere did. You can see where Millie's mom (and my mom, even though you haven't seen anything she's done yet) have inherited it from.

(you can click on the picture to biggify)

PS Dear Guess Who, I cannot guess who because I do not have enough clues to guess who, so you will have to leave me more clues before I can guess who you are. :)


Olive the Pug said...

No new sister, I wish! I just thought that was funny...

Monty Q. Kat said...

Sittin' on beans works great. I usually recommend the head area if you're trying to get them up and going, and the feet to keep them still.

Daisy said...

I am very interested in learning about Noodle Wars. It sounds like something fun.

Mickey's Musings said...

Boy, creative talent does run in your Mom's family.She will be very busy today so the first chance you get to sit on her,do it.Tell your Dad to rustle up dinner.

Mom says the boy looks like he is concentrating very hard.Maybe the next YoYo Ma.
Yoyo Ma? A funny way to call your Mom,don't you think?

Mickey's Musings said...

Pee Ess, I can't wait to hesr about Noodle Wars!!

Karen Jo said...

The Noodle Wars sounds very interesting. Yup, as soon as your Mom sits down after she gets home from the cello lesson, both you and Lucky sit on her. Let the Dad get supper. Your family is very talented.