Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I am very comfy, can you tell. I don't think I will like it when mom goes back to work in a few days. I think I'll just pretend it's not gonna happen.

Monday, December 30, 2013

To The Movies

Mom and PlusOne are going to the movies today, to see 47 Ronin. Mom loves the preview where the folds of fabric turn into a dragon.

Besides dragons, it's ronin with swords. Of course mom and PlusOne want to see it.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I am really liking this mom on vacation thing. What day is it again?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Just Chilling

Yup, I'm just chilling. And so is mom. And PlusOne. And Lucky. But that's what you're supposed to do when you're on vacation, right???

Friday, December 27, 2013

Here's Hoping

For sunshine. Mom moved the dog bed to the sunbeam Christmas Eve and it was really, really nice. I hope we get more sunshine. Yesterday we got snow. YUK!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Boxing Day

We hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Lucky and I had a lot of fun with Memere, Pepere and Auntie. There were no green beans, unfortunately, but we both got lots of snuggles. Today mom is taking it easy, she's tired from making 32 loaves of bread and countless cookies. She may watch one of her new movies, Man of Steel or Star Trek: Into Darkness. Or she may borrow the Special, Super Duper Deluxe Extended Magnificent version of The Hobbit Auntie lent her. It's got 9 hours of special behind the scenes stuff. Sounds like a perfect time to snuggle up to mom, don't you think?

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all our blogger friends. May you be blessed with love and happiness in the coming year.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Mom went to the dentist yesterday, to have to fillings replaced. This is pretty much exactly how she felt.

If you've never seen this, it's pretty funny. Mom made more bread and cookies yesterday, but she did cuddle with me, hopefully I will get more cuddling tomorrow!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Busy Mom

Mom made 16 loaves of English Muffin Bread, and 2 double batches of M & M Cookies and Chocolate Chip Cookies. She will make more bread and Vanilla Chip Cookies today. Sheesh, I thought she was ON VACATION!!! Sit down woman, so I can sit in your lap!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Let The Baking Commence

The Christmas baking has begun! Bet I don't get ANY!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I've Been Good

I know Santa will bring me something nice for Christmas, especially since I've been very good this year. I don't think Roxy will be able to say the same. ~ Lucky

Friday, December 20, 2013


Mom goes on vacation from work today until January 2nd! Lucky and I intend to spend a LOT of time in BED! Or in the sun! Whatever we think is best. Ahhh, this is the life!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Table Dancing Thursday

Awwww, BUSTED! Who knew mom would come home early because PlusOne wasn't feeling well.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wordy Wednesday

I don't care if we have an area that is not covered in snow. I am NOT going outside.

I can't see you! And if I can't see you then I can't see that you want me to go outside!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Here We Go Again

Have I told you yet that I think we are going to get slammed with snow this winter? I haven't? Well here goes. I think we're going to get slammed with snow this winter. sigh Why do I live here again? Oh yeah, mom and Lucky!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Likes & Dislikes

One of the things mom and PlusOne love about the house is the bubble jet tub.

As you can see, PlusOne loves it. And bubbles!

As you can see, I do NOT. Mom took a bath last night. She soaked for the longest time and though I did go up to say hi to her, and to poke my head in the tub looking for her, I was NOT joining her. No way no how. I don't think she really wanted me to either, thank goodness.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Give us ONE good reason to get out of bed with it snowing like crazy outside. Yeah, I didn't think you had one. lol

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Here's Where The Fun Begins...

Yup, it's a repeat! And mom thinks it's going to be repeated quite a bit this winter. sigh. Oh well. I've got a nice warm lap robe to stay under and mom can't really MAKE me do anything outside. lol

Two points if you know where the title quote comes from and who said it.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Voice Has Returned

Mom's voice has returned. It still squeaks every now and then, but it's much better. However, everyone (even her karate instructor) has been teasing her about their "early Christmas gift". Mom is feeling a little like Darth Vader. If she had ANY of his power, it would be a VERY bad thing for quite a few people. lol

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

There Is A God

"There is a God" That's what mom's boss said yesterday when he found out she had no voice. That and "Christmas came early this year". But mom's boss forgets that if he is getting a break from mom, then mom is also getting a break from HIM and his constant need of mom! If he keeps up his teasing. he might want to remember that if ANYTHING goes wrong with his computer mom may not fix it. lol

Monday, December 9, 2013

What A Drag

I can't wait to see how mom does at work today, with no voice. lol That should be really funny. Of course her boss says she would be perfect if she was mute (but he doesn't really mean it, he freaks when she can't answer all his questions).

Oh well, should be a FUN day!!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Girl Who Can't Say No!!!

Dur to mom's cold, her voice has gone the way of the dinosaurs, guess who can do ANYTHING now without mom yelling at her. ME!!! That's right, ME! Oh, today's gonna be fun!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Snow Snow Snow

Yup, winter is here, mom's cold came back and I do NOT want snow. It's no surprise that I am oh for three at the moment. sigh

Friday, December 6, 2013

Funny Photos Friday

This is as close as I ever got to Santa. Phooey!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday Three

Three photos of PlusOne and Santa. Hey, how come I never got a photo taken with Santa!!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Apparently, it's now December. Which means that it's time to prepare for the cold weather.As you can see, I am prepared. I would prefer to stay in bed with mom but.... this is the next best thing.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Another Monday

And so ends a nice long weekend where we got to sit in the sun on mom's legs as she read. I hate Mondays.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Nope, Roxy, I don't want to watch that, it's putting me to sleep. Let's watch something else, okay? ~ Lucky

Saturday, November 30, 2013

He's Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sherlock is back!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Episode one 'The Empty Hearse' will air on January 1 and BBC One have also confirmed that episode 2 will air on Sunday January 5 and episode 3 on Sunday January 12. Of course, that's the date it is showing in England. When it comes to the US is another matter. But at least it's coming!!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Fabulous Black Friday

Why is it a fabulous Black Friday, you ask. Several reasons. First, mom made memere's famous meat stuffing yesterday. She didn't understand why Lucky and I sat at her feet while she cooked looking just like this!

I mean, it had pork and veal and beef and smelled really, really good. Why wouldn't we sit there at her feet waiting for a taste? Which we never got, but I am hoping today will be better.

The other reason it's a Fabulous Black Friday is because mom didn't have to go to work today. In fact, she didn't have to go ANYWHERE, so she's staying home to sew and relax. Can't beat that with a stick, now, can you? Well, maybe if I got some stuffing...

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Lucky, Mom, Dad, PlusOne and I would like to wish everyone a Happy (and safe) Thanksgiving. I know I have a lot to be thankful for. If everyone were as loved as I was, well, let's just say there probably wouldn't be any fighting anywhere.

And to everyone who doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving today, Dad say Happy Thursday! lol