The incredible life of me, Roxy Dragon Pebbles, otherwise known as The Devil Dog and my new sister, Juliet, and my new brother, Loopy. I have no idea what I did to deserve that name! Honest! Just because I'm a black dog doesn't mean I'm naughty dog.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
All Work And No Play
Friday, August 29, 2008
Flashback Friday
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen Things Mom needs to work on. (I do not need to work on anything. I am perfect. Eduardo says so.)(As for Lucky... well, Luxor thinks she's okay as she is.)
1) Sparring.
2) Going to be earlier.
3) Waking up earlier.
4) Putting the receipts into Quicken more regularly.
5) Practising kempo more.
6) Sparring.
7) Trying not to be so helpful to people who don't need or want it. (Because then it annoys them and then mom is unhappy because she annoyed them.)
8) Keeping my karate notes more up to date.
9) Work on her Intermediate Level Instructors Certification more.
10)Be more efficient in her household projects.
11) Taking more pictures of Lucky and me. (She is seriously slacking in this area. I mean SERIOUSLY!)
12) Buy the new Gnarls Barkley song, Going on. It is mom's new favorite.
13) Sparring. (ACK! Mom feels she is no good at it, so now she is like a dog with a bone. Worrying it and worrying it and worrying it.)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tattle Tale Tuesday
When mom was little, still in her crib, she used to take all her pajamas off and throw them on the floor. Then she would take all the sheets and blankets out of the crib and throw them on the floor. Then she got out of the crib (they didn't really know how she did it) and would fall asleep on the pile of pajamas and blankets. STARK NAKED.
We are sorry, but there are no photos of this. (For which mom is eternally grateful.) Dad asked memere what happened to mom, and why she changed. Bad dad! hee hee
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mom's Birthday

Yes, we know they are x-rated, but we think you will all agree that it is just the sort of thing you need to see to make you laugh on a Monday.
Because today is her birthday, mom spent a nice, quiet, relaxing day with Mr. Karate... putting up four sheets of sheet rock. On the ceiling. They rented this really neat thing from Home Depot that you put the sheet rock on, then cranked up into position then drilled in all the screws. For a piece of 4' x 10' x 1/2" sheet rock, which is very heavy, it was just the thing. It cost $22.00 for four hours.
They have two more pieces to go, but they haven't put the insulation up, taken the other piece of sheet rock down, moved the swing, the bookcases, the stuff etc etc. And it was really hot and mom was getting tired.
Mom is renovated the ugly back porch into a sewing area. Her knees get tired from being on them to do quilting, so she decided to clean the back porch and use that area. It is a three season porch, but mom figures if she replaces the yukky insulation with better insulation, and fixes it up, all she will need is a space heater and she will be good to go. (She hopes.)
The farmer's almanac is saying it is supposed to be a really COLD winter, so mom wants to see if she can get some lap robes made (to keep people warm without going broke over their heating bills). Mom certainly needs one, what with PlusOne growing and growing.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Field Trip

Mom bought this in pink and orange!
After they bought fabric, they walked up and down main street. They saw a really nice store (whose website isn't up yet) and then they had ice cream and truffles. After a little bit, they went home. Auntie got in the car and said "This is exactly what I needed."
Mom just smiled.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Adore Le Pug

Ten years later, when Bridget went to the Rainbow Bridge, mom was heartbroken. Bridget was her cuddle baby. For four months mom checked out Pug Rescues all over and thought about getting another pug, but it wasn't until memere called a certain lady that they knew Lucky was available. New Year's Eve mom, dad and PlusOne drove down to western Massachusetts and came back with an adorable, partially deaf, mange covered puppy. They named her Lucky. Next came me! Mom wanted Lucky to have a sister like Muffie had Bridget. I arrived in May and Muffie went to the Bridge in November, at 16-1/2 yrs old.
3) Most memorable moment with your Pug (s).
The first time mom realized that 30 pound porker Bridget could run REALLY fast. Bridget saw a cat and off she went. Mom was so stunned, it took her at least a minute before she gave chase. Another time was when Muffie and Bridget knocked over the garbage can, and ate anything that was edible. Bridget was covered from the tip of her nose to her ears in melted ice cream. When mom and dad got home and gave them what for, Muffie had the grace to look ashamed but Bridget gave them the "Yeah? So what are you going to do about it?" look. Muffie used to jump on the chair and sit on the table on the back porch and watch everything. She was very nosy.
The first time that mom and dad found me on the table, or any number of times when I have eaten anything I can.
4) What is the most important thing Pugs (or dogs) have taught you?
You can love your pet, but you must understand that they are a responsibility, that they are dependent on you. You must respect that and care for them to the best of your ability so that they are secure in your love. They may be pets, but how you treat them says volumes about you! They will love you unconditionally and you must love them back the same way, even when they barf on your comforter.
5) Best Thing You Ever Did For Your Pug….aside from loving them, keeping them healthy & happy, and giving them a great life.Muffie, and especially Bridget, were traumatized when mom and dad got home with them. After an hour at home, Bridget hid under the coffee table until bedtime, when she hurled her 30 pound body up the stairs to sleep right by mom's side of the bed. The best thing mom did for these two was to adopt them together, so they wouldn't have been totally lost. Adopting them at all was also the best thing mom could have done. They were 21 and 22 pounds when their owner died, and the animal control officer in their town took them home with her and basically tossed them in the back yard and fed them. That's how come Bridget weighed 30 lbs when mom got her. The other best thing that mom did was make Bridget lose 15 pounds and Muffie lose 9 pounds (from 25 to 16 pounds).
As for Lucky, the best thing mom did for her was to adopt her, save her from being bred only to produce champions, and being kept in a 24"w x 18"d x 24"h cage for 22 hours a day. And gave her a boy to love. It doesn't get much better than that.
As for me, I have a family and a sister. And lots of broccoli. Like is pretty darn great!
6) Post your answers on why you “Adore Le Pug” on your blog and link to the blog who tagged you (or their blog post).
7) Tag 5 or more other bloggers.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Flashback Friday

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
One Year Blogoversary

We discovered I love broccoli, but I will eat anything that isn't nailed down.
And last, but not least, I have a secret admirer, who is in love with me, but afraid to tell me for fear of rejection. Never fear, I say. Though I do wonder how old he is, and if anyone will think I am robbing the cradle. I don't want anyone thinking of me as a cougar.
That is quite a year. I wonder what the next year will bring.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Another Day of Destuction
Anyway, all the insulation in the picture is gone, replaced by new insulation. The previous owners had used R11, 3-1/2" thick insulation. Mom used R19, 6-1/4" thick. Mom also fixed the big gaping holes they left between the joist going out into the eaves! Talk about silly people.
Mom has to get the sheetrock and then Mr. Karate and Dad will help her install it next weekend. It will be 10' long, so it will not be a one person job. Mr. Karate enjoyed the staple gun while putting up the insulation. Mom should have taken his picture when he held it up and blew on the end (like a smoking gun.) Instead, she said, Don't staple yourself! He just laughed and said "Yeah, really."
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Dad, Mom, Thunderstorms, Eduardo & A Gift For Nevis

She bought more insulation and is going to get the new sheet rock later this afternoon. I think she's lost it. I really do.

1.Only five people allowed.
4.You must link back to whoever gave you the award
So, here goes. The dedicated followers of my blog is easy. Mickey, Emmitt, Angus, Moe and Mindy. The new someone shall be (drum roll please) The Glummy Puddle, because that is such a neat name, among other things.

And last, this is a gift for Nevis, who has a thing for hot bodies.
Hope it's okay Nevis, it's the best mom could do.