This is what I looked like after I ate 3/4 of a bag of Missy's (Memere's woofie) special treats ordered directly from the vet's office. They were in the cabinet under the sink and behind the garbage can. There were no locks on the cabinet (Missy does not get into the cabinets) and the only reason they were behind the garbage can is because Memere was not ready to start giving them out to Missy.
Mom's co-workers say that I need a new job. A job that utilizes my special skills. Mom has no clue what kind of job I could do and not get into trouble. Memere and Pepere say I am a pill. I say that mom better buy Memere some more treats. What do you think?
I think so too! And I think you would be very good at making sure there was proper security all over the place. I hear consultants like that get paid big bucks!
Those treats look tasty! And you are a pill, BOL
Benny & Lily
I think you better buy Missy a bag of treats to replace the ones you ate. Perhaps you could get a job as a hacker? You know, a job where you get to test how good the security system is? I bet you could make Big Money doing that, since you're so good at breaking into things people like to think are protected.
You could sniff out contraband at the airport! (You are much cuter than those big dogs they hire).
Looks like they were delicious indeed!
hi roxy!
oh what a great hunter/gatherer you are!
i think lots more treats are in order!
a & m
We say you snooze you lose! Sorry Missy.
Kitty and Coco
Roxy we think your Mom needs to buy them more treats and you well you are one talented pug!!
The Girls
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