Thursday, February 27, 2014

Taking A Break

Mom and PlusOne cleaned the cellar Tuesday and yesterday they cleaned the bathroom (scrubbing the tile floor) and living room (PlusOne thoroughly vacuumed every corner). As a treat, Mom and PlusOne gave themselves the afternoon off. They went and saw Thor 2, The Dark World.

Mom said it was a real hardship. Yeah, I bet. snort

(Today they are cleaning the playroom and rest of the downstairs. I wonder what they will do for a break after that!)


Elgor82 said...

Hopefully they found some time to snuggle with the two of you ...

Mama said when they finish with your house they can come over here and clean ours ... BOL!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Southern Fried Pugs said...

Can they come clean here? We have Muppet movies they can watch.