Saturday, November 29, 2014


A family member (who shall remain nameless) told Mom that our fur cousin Millie would be fine at her house with no heat and no power. After all, she was a cat and had fur. All mom wanted to say was SERIOUSLY? WTF??? There was no way mom was going to let Millie stay in a house with no heat when the outside temperature was going to be 8 degrees.

Now granted, it's a pain not being able to go into the downstairs bathroom and pull on the toilet paper but even I am not so mean and uncaring that I want Millie to be a frozen catsicle rather than have her stay in my house.

However, if she shreds all the toilet paper without me, I will be really upset.


Megan said...

Nah - she won't do that, I'm sure. She's too well behaved.

Sydney, Australia

Mickey's Musings said...

Roxy, you are a kind woofie.
We would not like to be in a cold house all alone either. We are not used to cold, fur coat or not, and we do not like to be cold!
We are sure Millie will leave the TP
for you:)
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Julie said...

Really !!!
Good job you and Mom are there to look after Millie.
I should patrol the bathroom door and if you hear any sound of toilet paper shredding yell loudly, can't have Mille enjoying that funs game without you !
Love and licks kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Ellen in Oregon said...

You are a kinder woofie than we thought you were about cousin Millie staying in your baffroom when she & mom Lynn had no 'lectricity. We saw on Millie's blog that Millie has gone home with her mom because the power is back on. I do not think Millie was in much of a toilet paper shredding mood, so if you look in the baffroom now, you can go ahead & enjoy tearing a whole roll all to yourself. I'm sure Millie would tell you to knock yourself out Roxey. It is reassuring to know you were not dreaming of Millie as a catsicle. Stay warm & keep out of trouble.