Yesterday, Lucky and I got a ride in Lola. (I did not barf in Lola, as previously complained I would.) We went to
memere and
pepere's house.
Memere made some fabulous baked eggs and dad fed me some of the leftovers while mom glared at him and said DON'T! I'm glad dad didn't listen to mom.

Then it was lap time. Lucky conked out right away, but I had to keep an eye on things.

Because all the men folk (but for
pepere who was otherwise occupied) felt it was necessary to hail
memere for her greatness. And her baked eggs. That's Mr. Karate,
PlusOne and Mom's brother from left to right. In case you couldn't tell. I totally agree with them that
memere is great and her baked eggs were DELICIOUS!
It looks like a lovely visit and the food sounds great!
All hail Memere!!!!
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