We are going to Memere's today, for brunch. Mom's brother has come from Colorado to visit Memere, so of course large quantities of food must be eaten in his honor.

Here I am behaving in mom's old car. I will behave in Lola because this is what waits for me at Memere's.

Pepere's lap. Su-Weet!
Why go otherwise...right? Have fun
Benny & Lily
Oh enjoy your lunch!
Naturally you will behave!!! Right...? heehee
After all, that is a great looking lap ;) Have a great day Roxy!
Purrs Mickey
Awww yay, what a great lap to be comfy in!!! We love our Granparents!!!
~The Monster Crew
Oh yes, food and laps. There really isn't much more in life than that!
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