Friday, January 2, 2009

A Day With Dad

There was a Looney Tunes marathon on yesterday. Dad and PlusOne really enjoyed it. Mom's favorite is What's Opera, Doc?, otherwise known as "Kill the wabbit!"

Mr. Karate enjoyed them as well, that is, after mom did her 30 minutes on the treadmill and they practised techniques. Mom has learned 26 techniques since joining the black belt class. Mr. Karate is working for his 3rd degree black belt, so mom offered to be his dummy?, I mean partner.

Since it was 14 below ZERO with the wind chill factor here yesterday (and YES the wind did NOT stop blowing), we didn't go out much. When we did, we had our coats on and it was a very
brief trip.
This is where we were most of the day. It was great. Mom was too antsy to sit still. She took down the tree and the creche, packed it all up and brought everything down cellar. I guess she's had as many days of sitting still as she can handle.
Anyone who wants to join in a support group with mom in regards to losing weight or any other goal, just let mom know. One of the reasons she posted the goals is so that everyone will ask her about them and then she will be more accountable to how she does. Don't expect to see the push-up number any time soon. Mom wants to do them without pain, so she is working on strengthening her shoulder before she works on that. Sit-ups will start Monday.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yes, if it were that cold I wouldn't recommend going out at all. You guys look so cute! Your person is more than welcome to hound us as much as she likes. We are actually thinking of making the Woman's personal blog a place where all the dieters can gather and discuss stuff...

Unknown said...

I definitely have some goals for the new year - in fact your last post has inspired me to write my first post of '09 with my goals for this year! Some of them are similar to yours - weight loss, training, I am all about some bloggie support!

Mickey's Musings said...

Roxy,cuddling is the best way to spend a cold day!! Our day was windy and had blowing snow :O Mom was happy that the snow was powdery. She said it is very light to move,heehee
She likes your Mom's idea about meeting her goals. The more beans that know,the better your chances of success are :)
I bet there will be a bunch of interested beans too!!!
I am so glad I do not need to diet!!!! Poor Mom,hahahahahaha!!!
Purrs Mickey

Daisy said...

A Looney Tunes marathon? That sounds fabulous! I love cartoons.

castle diva said...

A Looney Tunes marathon sounds like fun. Around here we watched movies. Mom and Dad also cooked and made the place smell good.

Mom loves what you wrote about "Dreams with Deadlines" and would love to start a support group because there's a lot she would like to accomplish, including getting her business going.

Feel free to email us. Maybe we could start a "Dreams with Deadlines" support blog.

Ms. P and Cinza
dancingthedance at yahoo dot ca

PS Mom came across this article the other day on goal setting:

Eduardo said...

A marathon of Looney Tunes! Sounds Great! Mommy would have loved a marathon of Spongebob! I know it's not THAT cold here & me & Mommy are snuggling like it's the ICE AGE! Also Mommy has to go to the fabric store to get so other things to finish off y'alls coats! She's working!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Unknown said...

oooh - the text box is a good idea! I am down with a rotating goals blog - I'm a team member on another blog, so I'm kind of familiar with blog teams idea. yay!! Thanks for the support - I'm excited to see what what we can accomplish!!

Nevis said...

14 BELOW~?!!! Yikes, that's WAY too cold for me. I guess I shouldn't be complaining about our lack of a white christmas! :)

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Wow! It is furry cold at your house! You may teleport over anytime to enjoy 60 degrees with us. That's 60 degrees ABOVE zero with no windchill factor. Mom wore sandals today, but did wear a hoodie, too.

Enjoy your snuggles, ladies! Ooo ... an' cartoons, too (Sparky Fuzzypants watched "SpongeBob" with Mom).


Archie and Melissa said...

what a great post roxy.

i can tell your mom has done all the relaxing she needs and is having fun with everything.

how wonderful and inspiring!

m & e

Kelli said...

You guys were so smart to stay in and cuddle on such a cold day! Tell your mom we said good luck with her goals. I will keep my paws crossed that she accomplishes them!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we watched that marathon too!!!

mommy is innerested in weight loss support groups - she goes to watching her weight meetings, but they're not enough

Salinger The Pug said...

CRRRAAAAAP! We missed that marathon!

Mom says the Barber of Seville cartoon with Bugs and Elmer Fudd is one of the funniest things EVER!

We're going to check out your other new blog now.

Happy New Year!


P.S. "kill da waaaaabbit....kill da waaaaaabbit!!" hahahahaa!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy New Year 2009 Friends!