Saturday, January 17, 2009

Surf Music Saturday

Dad says when it is super cold out, we must look at photos of when we were super warm, enjoying the sunshine on our fur.

Dad also says that when it is super cold out, we must listen to surf music. So here we go. Click on the link for one of mom's favorite surf songs. Stevie Ray Vaughn and Dick Dale doing Pipeline.
(Mom can't figure out how to get the music to play in the post. Honestly, and I thought she was smart.)

But seriously, folks, go listen to some surf music and I guarantee you will all feel warmer.


CoCo said...

That is soooo funny because my Mama's dad said that he listens to Christmas music in the middle of our July weather. We sometimes get temperatures as high as 110 degree F here in Texas! I don't like the heat much, so that sounds like a great idea. I've never tried the reverse...I imagine it should work the same!


Karen Jo said...

Your toasty warm pictures make me feel warm, too.

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Woooooo girlies! Great link....we loved the music video and we definitely feel at least a degree works! Your sunbathing shots are so cute too :o)
Slobbers xx

Mickey's Musings said...

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! Those pictures DO make us feel warmer!!
Well,that and snoozing on top of the floor vents with all that warm air blowing into my furs!! heeheehee
Mom likes the surf music ;)
Purrs Mickey

Archie and Melissa said...

Hi Roxy and Lucky!
What a great post!
We feel warmer already!
m & e

Gemini and Ichiro said...

hummm.... Tried to amend my carniverous habit... made it nearly 70 days... loosin weight while out speed eating sun flower seeds...drinkin lots of carrot juice and soakin up rays...

But at night I had this wonderful dream. Some kind of sensuous feast.. not zucchini fetticcini or bulgar wheat but a big warm bun and a huge hunk a meat...

Cheeseburger in Paradise..

Daisy said...

I feel warmer already!

I am singin' along with Chey!

Too Cute Pugs said...

Thank you. Those pictures absolutely help!

And we love Stevie Ray too.

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Kelli said...

Hi Roxy!
Your pictures are making me feel warm too! Thanks for the good ideas!

meemsnyc said...

Your dad has great ideas!!!

Anonymous said...

That is a great idea! your mom may not be able to figure out the technical aspect of this, but she is still one smart chica.

Puglette said...

i like thos sunny pictures! i can feel the warm sun on your cute puggy furs. you stay warm and out for those big icicles!

Puglette said...

i like thos sunny pictures! i can feel the warm sun on your cute puggy furs. you stay warm and out for those big icicles!

Lux said...

Come on over, you guys ... you can feel actual sunshine on your furs! :)

Anonymous said...

You guys sure look warm and toasty! We finally are getting sun here so it makes me feel better... as I slide down the skating rink that is my drive way :p

Chrissie said...

Baked Pugs! Will you be serving mint jelly or tomato in aspic with that?