Saturday, June 14, 2008

Blondie & Me

Blondie's kitty is on the left. Her name is Bree. She is home with Blondie now, and is a little scared, still. But she likes to cuddle and she likes to purr.

I am just contemplating the universe. Can't you smell the smoke?


Karen Jo said...

Blondie's kitty is a cutie. I hope she gets over being scared soon. You look very thoughtful contemplating the universe, Roxy. You asked me about our weather a few days ago. We are having warm weather (70s and 80s) but nothing really hot like you have been having. We are up in the mountains, though, and that makes a big difference.

Anonymous said...

Roxy, Have you finally found the answer to E = mc2 ?

Daisy said...

I can smell the smoke, you must be doing some hard thinking!

Millie said...

About Blondie... what did I miss? She got a Meezer kitty? I want all the details.

Roxy... are you telling me that thinking hard makes smoke? That is a very scary thing. No wonder you are called The Devil Dog.

Monty Q. Kat said...

:sniffs: Smells okay, don't hear any alarms goin' off...

Has Lucky seen Luxor's new harness?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh look you have a Siamese cat friend! I applaud your taste.

We can't smell the smoke. It's still too wet here...

Lux said...

Those are some deep thoughts, Roxy!

Bree is very beautiful! Congrats to Blondie!

Milton said...

When mine mombean was at the place where she gets my crunchy-nom-noms there was a black pug! He was very friendly and his mombean said mine mombean could pet him, so's she knelt down and gave his ears a rub and he licked her hand!! I's smelt it when she's got home!!.

His mombean sez that she has to be careful to keep hims away from the big tubs of treats they sell by the pound or he just sticks his head in and helps him's self. I think that maks hims a very smart pug. I's bet you'd do the same thing coz you's so smart.

Milton said...

I forgot, this is a give a hug to those you care about weekend.


Team Tabby said...

Great to hear about Blondie and Bree, we hope they will have many, many happy years together. Roxy, what are contemplating about the universe, we're curious.

Mindy & Moe

Archie and Melissa said...

congratulations blondie! bree is a lucky kitty!

roxy, you are the cutest puggy ever!

m & e

Kimo and Sabi said...

Comtemplating is too much werk - take a nap.