Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

One of the new blogs Mickey is welcoming to the blogosphere has a pug in it. So we went over to see them. Their blog is called Purs n' Snorts. They have two kitties as well. They blogged about Thirteen Great Things About Living with A Pug. Since mom is having a moment (okay, it's lasted a couple hours now), she asked if she could borrow it for her post. She did promise we would link to them (which we did) so here goes.

1. Seeing that cute smooshed in face. (Okay, I will agree with that one.)

2. Hearing sweet snorts. (I don't snort. Lucky does, softly, but not me!)

3. Having a pug sitting next to you while you blog. (More like having a pug sit in your lap while you blog.)

4. Having a pug sleeping with you at night, she even lets you hold her. (Mostly, I sleep behind mom's knees, or curled up against her belly.)

5. Giving a pug her bath. (Nope! WRONG! Not fun at all, for either of us.)

6. Going shopping with the pug. (To the pet store, yes, that is a lot of fun, for both of us.)

7. Giving her a toy or treat. (Yes, as long as mom retracts her fingers QUICKLY from the treat so I don't eat her fingers.)

8. Playing with her. (Well, DUH!)

9. Chasing her. (Well, double duh!)

10. Taking pictures of her. (Well, like, triple DUH!)

11. Blogging about her. (See #10)

12. Going for car rides with her. (I think #10 is more fun, same with #8)

13. Getting kisses from her. (Well if that is true, why does mom go "EWWWW" when I get her right on the lips?)


Lux said...

I'm kind of envious that you all live with Lucky and get to hear her snort softly. I miss that.

Daisy said...

Poor Luxie, missing his sweet Lucky!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Roxy, we don't like our baths either. Sadly, we need to be bathed weekly to stay healthy. We also like to sleep behind either our mom's or our dad's knees. :)

Monty Q. Kat said...

You won't believe the story behind that new cat!!

Tybalt said...

Roxy, I wouldn't like a bath either. That involves getting wet, right? NASTY!

Tybalt said...

PS: Mommy got frenched by a snorty english bulldog this past weekend - several times. Luckily my doggie brother Loki and doggie sister Dana have gotten her used to that by now. She did think "ewwwww," but she didn't say it out loud because she was afraid she'd hurt the doggie's feelings.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Momma wants to get a pug again... sigh.


Anonymous said...

Haha Roxy you are too cute!

(You don't snort or snore??? Not at all??)

Frances Louise said...

Is there anything not great about living with a pug?

Liss said...

glad to see you enjoyed the Thursday Thirteen ;)


Liss said...

glad to see you enjoyed the Thursday Thirteen ;)


Archie and Melissa said...

great post! i am going to go and say hello to your new friend!
:) m & e

Chrissie said...

My mom says that sometimes she hears me snoring-I think she's nuts. Really! I mean certifiable! I wonder, do both of you, Lucky and Roxy, sleep in the people bed?

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Roxy ,that was too funny!!!
Glad you met Herbie too :)
Pugs are in :)
Purrs Mickey

Jemima Jones Beck said...

Yeah, baths are no good.
Jemima Jones Beck