Friday, November 30, 2007

Fabulously Funny Friday

Mom looked over from her spot at the computer, with me on her lap and saw this. She had to take a picture. She thought it was so funny.

Lucky really is very good. She will just about relax on anyone, but this is really relaxed.

And to think that she was in a four foot pen for the first four and a half months of her life.

And got no attention except for being fed.

She didn't even get to play with the other dogs, until mom, dad and the boy adopted her. Then I came along. Heh heh, she hasn't been alone since.
And I am very happy about that. Very, very happy about it. ~ Lucky

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Mom has been reading a this week, a very good opportunity for Lucky and me to sit in her lap and enjoy her. Plus, it is good for her to take a break every now and then, especially after her cleaning frenzy last weekend.

I thought you might find it interesting to see what mom is reading.

1) The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory (Still reading)

2) A Dark Sacrifice by Madeline Howard (Book Two)

3) The Hidden Stars by Madeline Howard (Book One)

4) The Jester by James Patterson & Andrew Gross

5) Dark Moon Defender by Sharon Shinn (Mom really really wants the next book in this series, but she doesn't want to spend $25.00 for a hardcover.

6) When The Gods Slept by Allan Cole

7) The Testament by Eric Van Lustbader

8) The Coldest March by Susan Solomon (Scott's Fatal Antarctic Expedition)

9) The Bulger Brothers by Howie Carr

10) The Awakened Mage by Karen Miller (Book Two)

11) The Innocent Mage by Karen Miller (Book One)

12) Midnight Club by James Patterson

13) The Summoner by Gail Z. Martin

Quite a variety, huh? Maybe that's why Mom's readablility is as follows!

cash advance

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Almost Wordless Wednesday

This is the boy and Lily. Lily is the boy's cousin's dog. She likes to sleep next to or on people. As you can see from the photo below. This is the boy's uncle (sort of). And Lily.

Don't worry, Lucky is not jealous. She knows she is Number One in the boy's heart.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Which Reindeer Are We?

I saw this on the Meezers, so I had to do it. I am Comet. Weeeee!

You Are Comet

A total daredevil, you're the reindeer with an edge!

Why You're Naughty: You almost gave Santa a heart attack when you took him sky diving

Why You're Nice: You always make sure the sleigh is going warp speed

Lucky is Prancer. Figures!

You Are Prancer
You are the perfect reindeer, with perfect hooves and perfect flying form.

Why You're Naughty: Because you're Santa's pet, and you won't let anyone show you up.

Why You're Nice: You have the softest fur and the sweetest carrot breath.

of Santa's Reindeer Are You?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Busy Day

Well, mom had a busy day. Well, actually, a couple of busy days. She cleaned the carpet in the living room, play room and computer area. Of course, before she cleaned the carpet, she moved all the furniture and vacuumed everywhere, dusted everything, and put all sorts of stuff away. She signed the boy up for skiing, ($200.00) measuring his height, (4'11") his weight, (79 lbs) his head size for the helmet (adult medium)(I think). She paid the COBRA for the insurance for the boy and dad ($599.00) (ouch), fed the boy lunch and made dinner.

On Saturday she finished cleaning the carpet and put everything back together, returned the carpet cleaner, visited memere to get some of memere's famous meat stuffing and then she took the boy to cello (there was no karate!),

Today, she stripped the beds, made the beds, did all the laundry, and then started to put up the Christmas lights. She got the bush lights up and 3/4 of the roof lights up before she got sidetracked with lights that weren't lit. After some playing, she got 3 sets of roof lights all squared away. She has three sets that all light halfway and mom has gone through every bulb but can't figure out why the other half isn't lighting. She and the boy did manage to play a bunch of air hockey. Mom won one game. The boy smoked her in the other.

Meanwhile, I am doing what I do best. Relaxing. Don't I look good? Don't you think mom ought to take after me more? Maybe that's why she's been sleeping so late. What do you think?

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Lucky and I received two awards recently. The first one is from Darling Millie, our very own cousin twice removed. It needs no explanation.

The second award we received from Clover. I am really excited about this one, as it is "presented to a successful blogger, one who can “be the blog” - making it their own, staying with it, interacting with the readers, and just plain having fun."

That is so cool, don't you think? I can't help it, I am really, really honored to be the recipient of it. And because all good things must be passed on, I would like to pass this on to two blogs I feel definitely make it their own, interact with the readers and have fun: Daisy the Curly Cat and Karen Jo.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Gone To The Bridge

We just learned of the passing of our friend Maggie from PDE. Maggie is part of The Pug Farm, along with her brother Napoleon. She fell ill about about two weeks ago, then starting having seizures. This is the second pug that her owners have lost. The first one was in September of 2006, when Josie was being spayed. When Maggie went through her spay easily, her owners thought that they were in the clear. Unfortunately, it was not to be. Please give her owners and brother your thoughts and prayers in this very difficult time.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Seven Random Things About Us

Monty, the handsome mancat above, tagged Lucky and me for the 7 Random Things Meme. What with Wordless Wednesday, and Thanksgiving Thursday Thirteen, we finally found time to post it. So here goes.

1) Roxy - My mom is a fawn pug named Lizzie Woo Woo. Here she is with the boy, when she was visiting. My dad is a black pug.

Lucky - I am the older sister, but only by eight months.

2) Roxy - I am taller than Lucky. I have longer legs than she does.

Lucky - My tail is curlier than Roxy's. Hers straightens out behind her when she runs. Mine NEVER straightens out.

3) Roxy - I will eat broccoli, green beans, carrots, mushrooms, all my vegetables. Aren't I a good girl.

Lucky - I do not like vegetables. I eat my dog food like I am supposed to and hardly anything else. Except for popcorn. I LOVE popcorn.

4) Roxy - I will only get into bed if I know mom is in the bathroom, getting ready for bed. I will not go sleep with dad if mom is in the house. If I am sleeping with dad and she comes home, I go downstairs to be with her. I like staying up late with her. It is our private time.

Lucky - I am ready for bed around 8:30 every night. I am happy to go to bed earlier than mom does. And I love sleeping with the boy. He loves me soooooo much.

5) I do NOT snore. Lucky does.

I snore so that when dad comes to take me out early in the morning, he can find me under the blankets.

6) When we go for a walk, I read all the mail I can. I also walk faster than Lucky.

When we go for a walk, mom does not have to drag me away from every fire hydrant, telephone pole. sign, bush, tree, fence and etc. etc.... I am perfectly behaved when we go for walks.

You're supposed to go to the bathroom when you go for a walk, and you never do.

That's because I do it in the back yard like I am supposed to, unlike you, who will poop on the floor in the downstairs bathroom five minutes after mom brings us in from outside.

7) Mom loves me more than you.

She does not. You're so jealous that when she pets me in the morning, you jump on me and try to bite my ears. You can't stand it when I am on mom's lap when she is on the computer. You keep trying to jump in her lap when I am ALREADY THERE!

Ladies, that's enough. Be nice.

I'm taller than you.

I'm cuter than you. I'm cuddlier than you. And I don't bark at every single person who walks in the house, including Auntie and Mr. Karate, memere and pepere.

Well at least I don't start barking at 5:00 pm because I'm hungry and keep barking until the boy feeds us.

I'm just making sure they don't forget.

How could they forget with that racket you make.

It's not my fault I can't hear very well.

I wish I had an excuse like being deaf. Doesn't stop you from hearing the popcorn popper.

At least I don't eat beads, m & m's, gingerbread houses, potatoes, kiwi, apples and trash.

Well, I can't help it if


Good bye.

Good bye.

Happy Thanksgiving and Thursday Thirteen

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and Happy Thursday to all of you who celebrated your Thanksgiving last month.

Here are thirteen things that will happen tomorrow, in no particular order.

1) Mom, Dad and the boy will leave Lucky and me alone for most of the day while they travel up to the cottage to have Thanksgiving Dinner with Dad's family.

2) Dad will be grumpy and won't want to go, but once he gets there and relaxes, he will have a good time.

3) I will try to climb on the kitchen table and eat the rest of the potatoes mom left there.

4) Mom, Dad and the boy will go see memere to get some of memere's famous, delicious, fabulous meat stuffing, which mom will not share with Lucky or me.

5) Mom and the boy will sleep late. I will stay in bed, under the blankets, for as long as dog-ly

6) The boy will carry Lucky over to mom's bed and the two of them will climb in, get under the covers, and fall back to sleep.

7) Lucky will snore.

8) Dad will eat steak tips, because turkey upsets his stomach. Mom may have one or two. There will be no leftovers, because dad is sure one of his brothers or brother-in-laws, will eat the rest. Dad won't share either.

9) Lucky and I will snuggle together in the dog bed and sleep.

10) Mom, Dad and the boy will come home after it is dark, not eat much, and watch TV. Lucky and I will cuddle with them under the lap robe.

11) Dad will go to bed early because he has to work Friday.

12) Mom will go to bed late because she doesn't.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday, Monday

Mom finished making her soup today. The house smelled really good all day. Mom and dad had it for dinner. The boy had some of the chicken for lunch. After lunch, Mr. Karate came over to help the boy with his karate. Even though he is a candidate, (ready to take the black belt exams) the boy is going to take a test seeing if he is really ready to take the black belt exams. The boy's teacher explained it well. He said that some of the students started slacking off when they made candidate, so he was going to test them to make sure they were really ready.

Here are the boy and Mr. Karate in mom's kitchen.

Mr. Karate is an excellent teacher, and mom was happy he showed up because he and the boy have a special bond and that makes it easier for Mr. Karate to teach the boy and for mom to be mom.

Here they are doing a technique called "Unfurling Lance." It is a knife technique.

And one of mom's favorites.

She loves this move at the end. You scoop kick their groin, claw the face and then come back down with a right hand sword to the side of the neck, pivot on the left foot and side kick the side of their right knee. It is really GREAT!

Here are Lucky and I, very unimpressed, watching them practice.

Ho hum. Lucky sleeps through it all and I only pay attention because, well, because mom is.

The boy's test is December 18th, so mom and the boy have a lot of practising to do. That means Lucky and I have a lot of sleeping to do. I guess we can manage.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chicken Soup Sunday

Because it has been cold (even dad said it was cold) mom decided to make chicken soup. Mom makes chicken soup the way her mom makes chicken soup and the way her mom's mom made chicken soup. So mom took the chicken she had cooked the other night and tossed it in her huge pot (bones included, skin too) with some water, bouillon cubes, carrots, potatoes and onions and set it on simmer.

This is what it looks like after six hours of simmering. The house smells GREAT by the way.

Then mom strains all the chicken and bones and onions and carrots and potatoes out of it until you have broth, like you see above. But this broth has lots of fat on the top. So mom has to strain that off. It is hard to strain off the top, so mom does it the old fashioned way.

Here is mom's pot. Mom loves this pot. It is either 10 or 12 quarts and it is great. Mom separates the chicken from the broth, washes her pot and then gets ready to put the chicken and the broth back in.

Here's the chicken, ready to go back in, after being boned. This is where Lucky and I come in. We sit patiently at mom's feet waiting for mom to drop something "accidentally." Sure enough, mom did. She gave us warm chicken for out treat after we went outside and did out business.

Mom used one of those fancy fat drainers/separators and look! The fat looks like it is all gone. But mom knows better. She takes the pot, with the chicken and broth, and puts it in the entry way with the window open (and the door locked) and will leave it there til tomorrow morning. She could put it in the fridge, but she would have to rearrange the fridge, and since the pot is so big it would take a while. Also, it's still warm. This way, at 29 degrees F, it will get cooler a lot faster than being in the fridge.

Tomorrow, mom will scrape off the fat and add other good stuff, like carrots, peas, potatoes, maybe some elbows, basil, and other spices and then you have chicken soup for the nice cold days. All we need is some English Muffin Bread (hint hint mom) and we would be all set.

I think I will dream about chicken tonight. Yum!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Shivering Saturday

It has been cold lately in the morning. This is what it feels like, to me. This is not what it looks like, yet. They did have snow up north though, and apparently it made commuting a mess. Mom's commute was difficult because of a truck fire. The sort of funny thing, was that the truck belonged to the company that dad USED to work for. Mom is really glad dad is not there any more. (The driver is okay.) And I am trying to stay warm by burrowing under all the blankets I can find, or crawling as close as I can to the back of mom's legs. Too bad she always wants to get out of bed. Why can't she just stay there once in a while?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Fabulous Friday

Lucky demanded equal time with the puppy pictures, so I decided that I wouldn't object to mom posting these.

I finally got an answer about why mom pulled out the old puppy pictures.

She says it is because Monty Q's mom is going to have a baby.

And Kimo and Sabi's parents are going to have a baby.

So she was in baby mode. And since mom IS NOT going to have another baby, she decided to look at puppy pictures. All the boys baby pictures are in photo albums. So mom has to scan them into the computer. She decided it was easier to post pictures of us.

I was really worried maybe there was something she needed to tell us, but, thankfully, that isn't the case. Phew. Now all I have to worry about is mom getting mad at me for getting into the toilet paper. Again.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things Mom and the Boy do together.

1) They paint together. (Mom is the red in the top photo.)

2) They do kenpo karate together. That is Jimmy Pedro, Olympic Bronze Medalist in Judo. He gave a talk about goals.

3) They do long division together. Or rather, the boy does it and mom checks it.

4) They do yard work together.

5) They do spelling words together. The boy is supposed to be the one doing the spelling, but he likes to ask mom how do you spell "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". (Don't ask if it's right or not, I'm a dog!)

6) They do the dishes together. Sometimes the water stays in the sink.

7) They wash dad's car together. And have a water fight. The car actually does get washed.

8) They make quilts together.

9) They go for walks together.

10) They build really big towers with the blocks mom buys him for Christmas.

11) They study for the boy's math and social studies tests together. Mom is re-learning all her history. (yeah!)

12) They drive to school together every day. Yes, mom is doing the driving.

13) They read together. Well, actually, mom does the reading and the boy enjoys it.

You have to wait until next week to see what Dad does with the boy.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

(you can click on the picture to biggify)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pug Puppy Tuesday

For some odd reason, mom decided to trot out the puppy pictures.

Does that pose look familiar? And that expression?

And here I am looking oh so adorable, if I may say so myself.

And here I am getting washed by Lucky. I didn't realize I was dirty, but it's nice to know she took such good care of me when I was a puppy. She's a good sister.